This is where you will find ways to contact me! If you even want to talk to me or just troll me in some way.
Overall, I can speak English and Portuguese-Brazilian pretty well. Any other language I will just use a translator to understand you, sorry for being lazy.
And don't worry into what you want to talk with me about! It can be anything, honest! If you want to be my friend, don't be shy, I like to talk with new people (but please fuck off if you're some kind of weirdo who just want to be a asshole).
- Here's my Email:
- If I trust you enough, I can give you my Discord and other ways to contact me, just send me a email and I will think about it!
- I also plan on adding a chat around here, so people can just say random stuff (if I know how to add it, because I'm pretty bad with programming lol)